Right on Croydon’s doorstep, Drains Ahead provides a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week emergency service for urgent drain repairs and problems such as blocked drains. We also provide a range of more run of the mill drain maintenance services and tanker services, ensuring you can keep your system at large in optimal working condition all year round. Then we have less commonly offered drain services, such as rodent control solutions that prevent rats from entering your property via your drains. All in all, we’re a one stop solution for all aspects of drain care.
On this page, we’ve looked to answer a number of questions regarding our drain services. But it’s certainly not exhaustive, and there’s a good chance you have a different query altogether. If that’s the case, cut right to the chase and call our team on 020 8405 1291 or 07809 502 762. The same goes for if you want a quote on our drain repairs and drain maintenance offerings.
Can I deal with blocked drains myself?
It’s worth using some of the tried and trusted DIY methods for dealing with blocked drains before calling in the professionals at Drains Ahead. You can purchase powerful drain unblocker from supermarkets, or give a plunger a go. Should these not deal with it, we’d recommend you call our Croydon based drain services team. We can come in, diagnose the issue via CCTV drain surveys, then carry out whatever drain repairs or drain maintenance is required to restore your system to optimal functionality.
Will drain work be covered by my insurance?
Often, insurance policies cover CCTV drain repairs and drain maintenance that is out of your hands: for example, drains and soakaways that are damaged by ground movement, invasive tree roots, vehicle activity, and similar issues. Everyday tanker services and drain maintenance procedures are unlikely to be covered, whereas rodent control measures are only likely to be covered if due to an opening in your system that’s out of your hands, as opposed to property neglect.
What are some common causes of blocked drains?
Hair, grease and foreign objects that accidentally make their way down plug holes, toilets and similar openings are all prime culprits our drain services team encounter on the average day serving the Corydon area. Less common, but more so during the autumn months, are leaves getting stuck down your outside drain openings, or invasive roots trying to locate an entrance in a bid to suck up water.
What kind of drain maintenance services do you offer?
We can provide general inspections via our CCTV drain surveys, or tanker services such as gully cleaning and emptying, or interceptor and pump station cleaning. Our team can also clean out drains using pressurised water to rid you of any build-ups that might be slowly growing within your system, and if left unattended, be putting you on a fast track to blocked drains. We also provide the Croydon locale with professional rodent control drain services – such as repairing compromised areas of a system that may be allowing rats to gain access to your property.